Josh Carroll

West Monroe, Northeast Region



What I do

I am a Partner and Creative Director of SnapMe Creative, a full-service, in-house marketing agency.

Why I moved away

“My degree in Mass Communications from ULM initially prepared me for the account side of advertising. However, I was drawn to the creative aspect and pursued an internship in Dallas, a city ranked at that time as the 3rd largest Designated Market Area (DMA) in the nation, compared to Monroe/West Monroe’s 226th. This opportunity led me to obtain a second degree in Graphic Design and embark on a career at various agencies in Dallas. Eventually, I became a Creative Director, managing a team of designers, and later joined Freeman, the largest trade show general contractor in the world.”

Why I moved back

“When my wife received a job offer in Louisiana, I was able to secure remote status with Freeman, which allowed us to return home. Initially, I left because I didn’t believe that northeast Louisiana could support my career path. However, upon my return, friends began requesting design work—logos, brochures, and more. What started as small favors grew rapidly, leading me to formalize my business under the name Swamp Rabbit Print. Over a short period, my business expanded ninefold, revealing the potential opportunities in this region. I then merged my business with another entity to form SnapMe Creative Agency with my current partners and it has been a blessing ever since.”